Friday, January 6, 2012

Going to file a Demolition permit!

Whew - what a whirlwind! 

Researching online led me to Demo companies - which led me to think about projects that I had seen recently- which led me to make some calls to friends- which led me to look at their budgets to see what worked.

By the end of the day yesterday I had spoken to so many people - I am glad that I took notes.

Ultimately, I found myself standing in a beautiful house -  with a builder that had just completed an attempted renovation, turned demo project.  It was beautiful. I can't imagine ever being able to make the little house that nice.

The numbers make sense. 

The time frame makes sense. (5 months from contract to completion)

Apparently Elin & I are on the same page! Okay - well, maybe not the same page-( She's demolishing a $12 million dollar, 8 bedroom home in Florida) -but it's the same concept!

The good news that I found out today is...
We are still eligible for the Tax Abatement program even if we demolish & start over. I had thought that we would be required to maintain the existing structure - or at least part of it. So - at least for the first 7 years, our assessment would not increase. 

A penny saved = a penny earned!

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