Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Could there really be a plan C ?

At this point, if you think I am crazy, I don't blame you. 
I am starting to think I am crazy too.

I spent 3 hours at the house yesterday working out the details of how to make this work. I spent two hours today laying out the ideas - and changing the floor plan.
I brought the plans by my friend Sunny's house this afternoon - just to get her thoughts (she has super hero spacial ability - something that I completely lack)

She made some practical suggestions on how I could alter things slightly - and better maximize the space. 
After that we decided to go back and walk through the little house again.
Well - that didn't go so well. Although she liked the plans on paper - seeing the little (creepy) house again, really solidified her opinion.

"I don't think you should live here....
 I don't want you to live here....
 Don't live here."

Doesn't leave much room for doubt!
All I could do was laugh - how else could I react? It was such a funny thing to say - and yet she was so sincere!

"I think you should just demolish it - and start over."

I hadn't considered a plan C.

So - I have spent the afternoon (after work hours - I am not slacking!) researching house demolition on the internet. It's pretty interesting. Did you know that a 2000 sq ft house can range between $7k and $24k to demolish? I didn't. 
I even found the funniest thing....
building demolition contractors and concrete removal contractors

Kind of even sounds like my Blog. If I choose plan C - maybe I will change the name!

Tomorrow I am going to research this more fully. It seems like the only logical thing to do. What if this is the less expensive option? I'd be foolish not to ask.

So, Thank you Sunny! I value your opinion - and always appreciate your input.
I'll let you know what I find out!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is funny that it costs so little to tear down a whole house, in comparison to building one- really 7k-24k ?
    I do not think you are making a mistake at all...the lot is worth more empty than with "the creepy little house " on it.
    congratulations on plan "C".
