Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Baby steps - wipe your feet!

Back in July, at the end of a post about the driveway, I said...

"The walkway should be in by tomorrow" 

Well - had I known then what I know now, that would have read...

"The walkway should be in by 2014"

To be clear - I am not knocking my landscape designers & stone guys, they are awesome!

Julio Mojica with TerraForma has been wonderful to work with, and his design work is done by Brian, another great guy.  
These guys were referred to me by Meg Turner who has drawn up the whole long term plan for the yard for me. 

Check out her work - pretty incredible! 


I am a firm believer in a landscape plan. I love to plant and add variety here and there, but you have to have an idea of the over all scheme of what you are trying to accomplish with the plantings, or else it can be a lot of wasted effort. ( This coming from years of wasted effort experience!) 
The great thing about a master plan is that it is just a plan. 
I have not planted a single thing from the plan yet. 
Without the long term planting plan, I would not have known where to put the driveway, or the irrigation.  

This project took so long because at the last minute ( back in July) I decided that I wanted to add something of interest to the walkway. Originally I had thought brick, then later I was thinking slate. Neither of those seemed to have any character, and the exterior of the house is crying for some character! 

So I went on a hunt for a Mill stone. It took a while, and all of my searches were fruitless.
In the end it was Julio that found one for me. 

Here are the photos of the new walkway. I hope that you like it. I do.