Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Little House - NO MO

It was quite a day! 

I was a bundle of nerves last night. I barely slept (2am-4:30am) 

I know that the demolition is really just another step toward our goal - but, I was so anxious about it. 
I am glad that it's over!

Here are a few of the pictures from the demolition - and the friends that gathered for the demolition bagel breakfast that we hosted safely across the street!

The trucks will be back tomorrow

Monday, April 23, 2012

Tomorrow morning - 7am

Well the equipment has arrived - so at least that's a good sign! 
Join us for a bagel tomorrow morning - if you want to watch the little house go down.

Today is the Day!

I hope the weather won't hold things up! 

The salvage guys have really taken things down to the bare bones!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Demo time delayed

Apparently we have been bumped! Our original 7am plan - has been moved back a bit. I hope to have notice so that I can post the time, for those that want to join us. I'd say 1:00pm at the earliest - but, maybe as late as 3:00pm.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Taken apart - little by little...

Monday can't come soon enough! 

I have allowed another guy come in to salvage some things. He has a salvage company - and was clear about his intentions. 
It's amazing how honesty can make all of the difference. He's even taking the nails - and I am fine with that, because I knew the plan. 
I did ask that he leave the mantle, for me , and the front door for my friend.

When I went by to visit the little house, the mantle was gone - and the front door was there, but had been stripped of it's hardware! (Mail slot, dead bolt, etc)

The good news is - as soon as I called, the salvage guy apologized and returned everything. 

I think he must subscribe to the " ask forgiveness - not permission" philosophy! 
Either way - it's fine. I'll have what I need.

All's well that ends well - and this little house is nearing it's end.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Demo date is set!

Monday morning April 23rd,  7am. If you'd like to join us - please do! 

I'll bring some breakfast treats to share. 
I wish that it could be @ 6pm - so it was a bit easier - but, it's not, so we will make the best of it!  

If you can't make it - don't worry. You know that I will take tons of pictures!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have to try to salvage something....

So...I think I am going to try to save the Mantle. It's pretty enough - and we need one - so why not? I just can't seem to get over the idea of throwing everything away. I know that I should let it go - it's covered in lead paint , and it will be harder to use than a new one, but...I just feel the need to keep something.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Getting down to the nitty gritty

We are getting close to demo day! Although I regretted dealing with yucky roofing guy...I can't resist the temptation to offer up the last little bit of the little house. There are still a few things - that, if you needed them, could be great.

There are (2) traditional (Coil looking) radiators, (3) of the rectangular cast iron knee height radiators, lots of linear ft of the cast iron base boards and all of the solid doors. Please let me know if you can use any of these items.

I'd be happy to have them go to a good home! I really hate the idea of throwing everything away.

It's already making me crazy that there are so many little plants & bulbs scattered all over the little house yard. I can't transplant them to this house, because we are leaving. 

Time is always what I am lacking. I'd love to have the time to dig everything up and deliver them to friends around town. 

I guess the next best thing is - letting friends know that they are there- and offering the opportunity, to anyone who is interested.

So - go dig if you are so inclined!

Oh look - there is another- I had not counted this one. That makes (4) of this style radiator

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We're moving right along with the plans. 

Demolition should be sometime this week - I'll post the day, in case you want to watch. We plan to set up across the street & make an event of it!
A couple of things have been decided since my last post.

My concern over the wet lot has prompted the builder to consider some different options. He now plans to bring in some fill dirt - so that we can change the grade of the property. He has also asked us to consider building the house on a concrete slab. I know this is hardly a novel idea - but in Richmond , it is far from common. I've looked into it - and it does seem to be the norm in many other states across the country. It would mean - no crawl space, so the air handlers would be moved to the attic. Also the venting would all be done overhead - rather than below the floor. All of these changes are reasonable - if it means that I will not have to worry about moisture issues & air quality in our new home.
My youngest child has such allergy & asthma issues, that mold is always a concern.
I was already considering conditioning the crawl space, so the additional cost to use a slab, is minimal.

I am also considering the tankless water heater - to save some space in the garage. Right now we have (2) 50 gallon water heaters - and we have had no trouble keeping up with showers for 6. I am a bit concerned that the tankless system will not be able to keep up with the constant showers & laundry. The builder has recommended that we add a 6 gallon holding tank to the system. This way - there is a bit of reserve so that you do not have the delay waiting for the hot water to fill the pipes. Sounds logical to me - but if you have any experience with this, and would be willing to share, I'd appreciate it.

Getting to the details...
I found some bamboo flooring at a decent price the other day - so we went ahead and bought that. Luckily my husband a warehouse available - or else the idea of buying ahead, when we see opportunities, would be impossible. 3100sq ft of bamboo flooring - is a lot of boxes!
It is not as dark as I had hoped it would be - but...we saved about $4000 - so I can get over it.
Someone has offered free fill dirt this week - so I think the plan is to move forward quickly - so that we can take advantage of that cost savings. Every dollar saved = a dollar earned & ...free is good.
More later - Have a great day!

I've started a pinterest board for little house design ideas - I'll see if I can add a link.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Now it needs to come down ASAP

My poor little house! It just looks sad. 
I am eager to get it down - to put it out of it's misery. 

I had a "gentleman" contact me - to inquire about the slate roof. He said that he was working on a "small shed project" and that he would appreciate some of the slate - if we were not going to use it. I explained to him that I had already offered the materials of the house to the school - but, that I would let him know if there were any left once the school had taken what they needed.  Once St. Chris had taken all that they were going to take - I gave him the go ahead to get the slate that he "needed"

Well - when I went by the little house today, I was surprised to see 2 pallets of slate already full and all kinds of debris all over the yard! There were 3 men on my roof - who were clearly roofers,( not homeowners with small shed projects.)
When I asked about what they thought they should be doing - they said that the "gentleman" had told them to remove everything. 
He was not there - nor was he planning to return anytime today. He had just given them an address.
There was slate flying every which way - metal from the flashing and the gutters thrown about. Windows were broken- siding was ripped off. It looked disgusting.

When I called the cell number that the crew gave me - the recording said ---------roofing company.
According to the men on my roof - this is what they do all of the time.

I felt /feel foolish. 

Had he asked for every scrap /shred/molecule of the house - I probably would have said yes. What am I doing with it anyway? 
But...he didn't.  He asked for "some slate for a small shed project."

I know that you are thinking - shame on me - and you are right. 
At my core - I am a very generous spirit. It bothers me, tremendously, that someone would take advantage of that.
Now the sight of my  little house just makes me sad. 
I look forward to taking it down as soon as possible.

Oh and by the way, Mr. "gentleman" roofer - Richmond may be a city - but it's as small town as a city can get. It's certainly not the kind of place where you can participate in unethical business practices and think it will go unnoticed. 

Karma, my "friend", is a very powerful thing.