Monday, November 25, 2013

Patience - it's not for the weak

The trouble with getting things almost done is... then you really can go for a long time without finishing. After a while, no one really notices that there are light fixtures missing, or that the bathroom mirror is just propped up instead of hung on the wall, or .....
that the kitchen cabinets are simply empty frames waiting to be filled with something....anything....
Fine with me - as long as I did not have to give in to the builder's suggestion of going with clear glass, or ( Heaven forbid) traditional cabinet doors. 
No, no , no !
I'd rather go almost a year with empty frames - and act as though that is completely normal as friends come and go through the house - rather than succumb to the last minute selections pressure! 

I think these were worth waiting for. It was not my original plan - that was chicken wire - but, I've decided to save that for the Butler's pantry cabinets only. I like the mix of materials - it keeps the house feeling more casual. 

excuse the finger prints - just one more detail that keeps the - comfortable/casual/might possibly live in a barn with some animals that never ever wipe their hands before opening the fridge -  feel :) 

Surprisingly - this did not make the room much darker. I was really worried that it would take away the benefit of the cabinet lights, but it's fine. 

Thank goodness John is such a patient soul!
Add that to the very, very, long list of things that I am so thankful for, this week - and always! 
Happy Thanksgiving to you!