Sunday, January 21, 2018

Renovations & Holidays don't Mix Well .....

Unfortunately - I have fallen behind on my blog. 

It happens. 

For those of you that have not already heard me grumble about my current project -
 let me formally introduce you to : 

Little Red 

Little Red was not originally on my radar 
(or anywhere on my schedule ) but, unforeseen circumstances left her floating in the wind - and she almost literally fell in my lap. 

I was actually looking forward to a little break after Woodrow - but, 
I am a firm believer in 
"things happen for a reason" ... so - 
here we go! 

The house was left in an interesting state, with an odd menagerie of miscellaneous treasures left behind. 

Unfortunately - nothing that we could use. 

Except this key 

You know how I love an original key! 

I hate to even post this picture
 As of today the key is missing!

I wanted to put it away for safe keeping as soon as I saw it. 
Joe ( our contractor) assured me that it would be safe, and that he "needed" it, so I left it in the door.

I told him that he'd better start praying to St. Anthony - and fast!

I want that key back. 

This is the official Master bedroom "before" picture. 

Yes - this is really what it looked like. 

The one & only bathroom in the house. 

 Back bedroom - which will eventually become the master bathroom. This door originally would have gone to a balcony, but currently goes to nowhere and screams LIABILITY! 
Can't wait to close it up.  

The larger of the 2 front bedrooms. Terrible carpet all over, but....this thick stuff did a great job protecting the floors. 

Another bedroom - more wallpaper - more dropped ceilings - yippee! 

Stairway - I am definitely going to add some light here. 
Even with the window - this seems like a dark spot. 

Can't wait to show you how far along she has come.  
Just peeling back the layers of carpet / wallpaper and acoustic ceiling has made such a difference!