Saturday, June 30, 2012

Well, it's growing.....

The second story was added - and the house is starting to take shape.
Slowly, but surely, I am starting to see how we will fit in our new house.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Quick Decisions....

Over the back patio....
We have two options and I need to make a quick decision. So...Please chime in!

I can have a roof, covering 14X16 ft - just a simple shed roof which will make the patio usable in the rain, expand our living space a bit, and save our outdoor furniture from baking in the VA sun....


I could have a Pergola - around the same size. I could cover it with wisteria, and still expand our living space a bit. It would not be usable in the rain, and would not really protect the outdoor furniture - but it would be pretty!

I think the roof makes sense - but...I worry about blocking all of the light to the living room, kitchen and breakfast area.
I am supposed to let the builder know by the end of the day - so please chime in!

(Sorry I don't have pictures of the two options - they were not part of the original plan)

Monday, June 25, 2012


Looks like we are finally getting somewhere! It still looks very tiny - but, I am hoping that we will fit.
 Jack's comment was....
" If I lay down, I won't fit inside these walls!"
(Of course, at 15,  he thinks he is huge - so his perception might be off a bit!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Front door?

Yesterday we had to choose a front door. 
I had already said that I wanted a 4 panel door  but... when the builder found out that it would be $150 more, and 5 weeks to order, he thought that I would probably agree that a 6 panel door would be just fine.

I still prefer the 4 panel.
What do you think?

Concrete day - Woo Hoo

Okay - it really was not that exciting - is good to see some progress everyday. 
They poured the concrete for the slab and delivered the lumber to start framing. That should be fun to watch. While there, with the concrete truck, I asked them to add a footer on the back patio - so that we can add a roof over it . 
I'm not 100% sure about this idea yet - but, it seems like it could be nice, and I wanted to have the option.  If they add a roof, it would be about 16x16 and cover most of the back patio.
 I think that I would prefer a pergola - but, either way we needed that footer in place for the support.
I struggle with decisions - so this next phase of construction is going to be a challenge for me!
Once I have time to consider all options - I am fine, but I need a bit of time. I think builders probably prefer buyers with fewer opinions!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hey Look - we have a driveway!

The gravel is in place for us to tryout the driveway design. 
I tried it - it works.
 I can't quite pull around back and into the garage.  I will have to stop, reverse & straighten up first - but, pulling out was easy.
There will be space for 2 cars to pull in and to the right, in front of the house - and then a couple of spaces outside the garage.
 View from the street

View from the backyard toward the street

I think I am going to add a small gated garden across the front porch area. It will only be about 8ft deep, but I feel like there needs to be some separation between the driveway/parking area, and the front porch. 
I was inspired by a small fence with a gate at my friend's house. This is what I have in mind...

 I think the fence will help to add some character to the new house - on the old block.

By the way...
We are apparently causing a bit of a buzz among the neighbors! 
"People are talking" was the comment I heard at work.
Oh well 
 I am quite sure there will be a comment, or two, or fifty, about the yankee that bought the house down the block and tore it down!

"Did you hear? Not only is she a Yankee - but....she's moving here from Southside! 
Oh my stars!" 

I wonder if this is a sign.....

We failed  our first plumbing inspection - I hope that is not a sign! 

Although, if I were to believe that every blip was a  bad sign - I'd be running outside to pull the -For Sale- sign out of my yard!

We  have had our share of obstacles with this project - but...maybe we are getting them all out of the way early. Maybe....

This is the hole - where the water meter is supposed to be. The city removed it, by mistake, and now they would like $6000 to install a new one. Fun! 
I've contacted our City Council Representative, to see if he can help us to correct the mistake - without spending $6000. 
Luckily our representative lives just a few houses away, so he was very familiar with the house - and seemed happy to help. Let's hope that he can have better luck than I did when I tried to get it resolved!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wow that looks tiny!

Well - we have progress! 

The block & brick are in place. 
It's hard for me to visualize the house complete. Right now it looks so small! I know that is what I wanted - what I want, looks really tiny! 
I know it will be okay.

(I know it will be okay..... I know it will be okay......breathe in....breathe out....breathe in.....)

Here's Ryan standing on the edge of what will be our front porch. 
(Wondering how all 6 of us are going to fit in the little house!!!)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Breaking Ground!!!

Breaking Ground!!!


We have had to jump through one hoop after another. The City of Richmond has not made the permit process easy on us - but...I guess it  was naive  of me to expect it to be easy.
Today they were digging the footings - and hopefully by this afternoon the cement trucks will start pumping in the concrete.
Once that is complete - they will deliver the block & brick and start on the foundation.
After such a long wait, with no activity, I am thrilled to see something happening!