Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We're moving right along with the plans. 

Demolition should be sometime this week - I'll post the day, in case you want to watch. We plan to set up across the street & make an event of it!
A couple of things have been decided since my last post.

My concern over the wet lot has prompted the builder to consider some different options. He now plans to bring in some fill dirt - so that we can change the grade of the property. He has also asked us to consider building the house on a concrete slab. I know this is hardly a novel idea - but in Richmond , it is far from common. I've looked into it - and it does seem to be the norm in many other states across the country. It would mean - no crawl space, so the air handlers would be moved to the attic. Also the venting would all be done overhead - rather than below the floor. All of these changes are reasonable - if it means that I will not have to worry about moisture issues & air quality in our new home.
My youngest child has such allergy & asthma issues, that mold is always a concern.
I was already considering conditioning the crawl space, so the additional cost to use a slab, is minimal.

I am also considering the tankless water heater - to save some space in the garage. Right now we have (2) 50 gallon water heaters - and we have had no trouble keeping up with showers for 6. I am a bit concerned that the tankless system will not be able to keep up with the constant showers & laundry. The builder has recommended that we add a 6 gallon holding tank to the system. This way - there is a bit of reserve so that you do not have the delay waiting for the hot water to fill the pipes. Sounds logical to me - but if you have any experience with this, and would be willing to share, I'd appreciate it.

Getting to the details...
I found some bamboo flooring at a decent price the other day - so we went ahead and bought that. Luckily my husband a warehouse available - or else the idea of buying ahead, when we see opportunities, would be impossible. 3100sq ft of bamboo flooring - is a lot of boxes!
It is not as dark as I had hoped it would be - but...we saved about $4000 - so I can get over it.
Someone has offered free fill dirt this week - so I think the plan is to move forward quickly - so that we can take advantage of that cost savings. Every dollar saved = a dollar earned & is good.
More later - Have a great day!

I've started a pinterest board for little house design ideas - I'll see if I can add a link.

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