Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Still just gathering quotes - and leaves!

I wish that I had more to report. 
The process of gathering quotes and information is slow and tedious. I have met with another tree guy, and another HVAC company. At least the quotes that I got this week are much lower than the ones from last week. I was definitely discouraged after getting those first few numbers! 
It's frustrating to have no real activity yet. 

While I've been gathering all of this info - we've all been gathering leaves. Every chance we get we are over at the little house shoveling out the yard. Although it has a long way to go - I think the yard clean up has helped it to look a bit happier.

I also pulled out the plastic picket fence - which was a big improvement. The slope of the yard made the fence very crooked - which made the house look completely off kilter. I took a front yard & back yard shot - so you could see the improvement.

I know the house is  not beautiful yet - but, with each bit of effort we put in - I am more convinced of it's wonderful potential! 

Any "free" time that we have after work /life/the kids and the new house, is being spent purging. Even if we add on to the little house, we will have about a third of the space that we have now. So...we are working hard to get rid of 2/3rds of our "stuff"

There is something so liberating about sending an entire truckload to the Salvation Army. I'm glad that I like that feeling, because it is going to take many more truckloads to clear out this house!

1 comment:

  1. Okay - I just went back the original front shot to compare, pretty much looks the same! Aside from the fence - which really did look terrible- there is no real difference. Too bad - considering how much time we've spent on the yard! Oh well - it has to be done, even if there is no obvious visible improvement.
