Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's been fun, but...

After a month without a refrigerator - I was downright giddy when it arrived today.
It really has been fun - An experiment - to see how dependent we have become on all of our modern conveniences.

The conclusion...
We are completely spoiled! 

Please don't misunderstand, we were not completely without a refrigerator, simply without one in the kitchen. 

(You'd be surprised how few things, my children consider, worth a trip to the garage.)

Fortunately, the timing worked out perfectly for us. The day before our move, I had a client call to ask if I could help find someone to remove an old refrigerator that had been left in her new house.

I love when the stars align.
So we picked up her old fridge, and put it in the garage here at the new house.

This bought me the time I needed. 
It has not been perfect (it freezes everything, so all produce needed to be kept in a separate cooler) but it worked.

It took me a  long time to find the new refrigerator because we had built the kitchen to fit our old one.
(The one that the new owners really wanted - and we were willing to give up- to get the house sold)

 I thought it would be easy....go online... order the same one.

Sadly for me - that model was nowhere to be found. The 2012 model was available - but larger than my old one.

After reading through countless descriptions and spec sheets & going to every possible store to see what I could find in person. (Not much- I found out that the stores don't  keep the counter depth models in stock)

I found THE ONE

And it fits!

I will admit, I was holding my breath as my husband was trying to push it back into the niche.
If it had been a hair bigger - I would have been listening to a whole lot of..."I told you so's."

Instead I was treated to... "Huh - that works"

Not quite the high praise that I had hoped for, but....who needs praise, when I have a refrigerator in the kitchen!

The one interesting feature, on this fridge, is the interior water dispenser.
I love to have cold water out of the fridge - but hate the drips on the stainless steel.

Hopefully this will avoid the drips and keep everybody hydrated.

Aside from unpacking and organizing - we have not made too much other progress.

We did, however, get the drawer pulls installed. (Note : I use the word "we" loosely)

Ahhh - to be able to open the drawers with ease is a dream!

I really wanted pulls for these. They were hard to find - or I should say...hard to find within my budget.
 I found these on Etsy.
I will attempt to add a link here...

The builder installed brushed nickel knobs, and these pulls are chrome, but I don't think it  makes a dimes worth of difference - and certainly not $10(more per drawer) worth of difference!

Now - if I could just get everything in it's place - I could get some whole room pictures.
Maybe next time.
Have a great day.
I think I will go get some refrigerated item from the kitchen - because I can!

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