Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Punch List Doldrums...

To say that there has been nothing going on would be a lie. 
There has been a lot going on - just nothing fun, and nothing worth writing about. 
We have been working our way through the punch list. Retouching paint, filling in caulk, adjusting the diverters on the faucets, reworking the HVAC to get the temp above 54* in my bathroom in the morning.....

blah, blah, boo 

Oh and lets not forget unpacking boxes!
So...I am happy to say....
Today we started our first real project in a while! 
Woo Hoo.

It's time to cover the patio.
Here is the plan...

Here is where we are now...

I can't remember if I told you all about this - but the covered patio was always our plan.
 We ran into some difficulty with the design - which ran into difficulty with the timing-which ran into some difficulty with the permit - which made for a very cranky builder, so we finally threw our hands up and said we would handle it after we moved in.

I have to admit...the fact that we are actually doing it within a month of moving in is a shock to me! I was sure this was one of those things that would get pushed off - and possibly never done. It would have been okay, I think we would have used the patio sometimes. Once it's covered - I think the kids are going to live out there. It just seems like it is going to be a great place to hang out & invite friends.
We will see.

My view from the living room this morning! 
 I know - some people hate construction. 
I love it. 

I'll post the progress in a bit - it's moving quickly. 
I might have to slip home at lunch to see how much they have done!

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