Friday, September 25, 2015

Was that ever a whirlwind!

I listed the house Friday of Labor Day weekend,  knowing that many people would be out of town , but deciding that I could not wait another day. 

That day there were 3 showings, and a few more Saturday.
 By the time Sunday rolled around, I had 17 appointments. Ultimately I ended up canceling many of those because we already had two offers, and I really did not see any need to get into a frenzy. The little house is great, but I knew all along there was a limit to how much it would appraise for - so soon as we hit that number, I decided to keep the traffic out of the house. 

I had been at the little house, working, during many of the showings, so I had the opportunity to meet the two people that later wrote contracts. This only made the process harder. 
 I had two offers, from two very different people , but both seemed to love the little house. Of course I was excited for the house to go to someone that would love it. 

Ultimately I had to be practical , and I chose completely based upon the numbers. 

Then, a few days after the contract was ratified, I received a beautiful note that blew me away! 

A note from the buyer that DID NOT get the contract! 
How nice is that? 
I was having a particularly busy day, and running around like a banshee , when I noticed this in my box. 
It really made me stop and think about everything, so Thank you Meghan! 
It was incredibly thoughtful of you to take the time to find my address, and write me a note.
 I sincerely appreciate it. 

Meghan's note made me realize that throughout this project, I have come in contact with so many GREAT people that I would not have met, were it not for the little house. 

This little house has been such a happy project.
 I have loved it.
I am hoping to have another one to start on soon, so I won't miss this one too much when it closes. :) 

News today that the appraisal came in. Everything is great, nothing needs to be done! Always good to hear! 

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